Camille provides coaching, consulting and training services. She has created a unique process and model, combining wisdom, compassion and intuition, as well as knowledge and experience facilitating … [Contact me]
Work with Camille

Education isn't just what you learn in school from a textbook. Science, wisdom traditions and spiritual practices share a common voice in our world today. It is that synchronized voice that we long … [join a course]

Solace—Wisdom of the Dying Movie
SOLACE: Wisdom of the Dying grew from Camille's intimate experiences as a hospice nurse working with people at the end of their lives. Based on the need to reintegrate the end of life … [watch now]
From the Podcast & Blog

3 Key Principles of Family Constellation Work
Our Ancestors Ourselves: How to repair the pain of the past that is alive within What if you could track the cause of your anxiety, barriers to financial prosperity, health … [read more]

Can We Be Self-Aware Without Self-Care?
The foundation of emotional intelligence is the development of self-awareness. I have had many conversations with colleagues and clients about whether we can develop self-awareness … [read more]

When We Die: A Tribute to Stephen Levine 3 of 3
Who need be afraid of the merge? -Walt Whitman Stephen Levine, who died early this year spoke of death as a great possibility to love: "When we die, all the … [read more]