It seems to be common knowledge that nobody wants to hear talk about death and dying.
But is that really true?

As a hospice nurse, I was surrounded by people—individuals, their families, my co-workers and myself—who were processing the end-of-life experience. While there was certainly a lot of grief and pain, there were also moments of joy, transcendence, love and peace. This is what inspired me to make my documentary Solace: Wisdom of the Dying and create The Solace Teachings, a supplemental film series and program to teach hospice and health care professionals, as well as individuals and families how to make the end-of-life care a better experience for everyone.
All of us must face the death of a loved one at some point in our lives, as well as acknowledge our own mortality. In my experience, this does not have to be a depressing event, but can be exactly what we need to illuminate how we want to live our lives in the present. A greater awareness of death brings us a deeper connection to life. We live more deliberately, joyfully and meaningfully when we have that awareness.

The Solace Teachings are education and support programs designed to build awareness, fluency and comfort with death and dying.
When we are able to face death as a natural part of life our lives we have the potential to be transformed.
Ironically, it is death awareness that puts us into a “right relationship” with life. Many ancient cultures and wisdom traditions experience their relationship to death as a path for spiritual growth and awakening. The modern world’s aversion to the sick, elderly and dying has made these vulnerable populations the untouchables of the western world. Hypnotized by the media’s focus on youth and superficial beauty, America’s integrity and intactness are threatened as society sacrifices the wisdom that comes with age. This disconnection is reflected not only in the quality of our lives but also in the cultural and economic realities that face the United States.
The imbalance between the aging population, and the shrinking healthcare workforce will intensify over the next 30 years exhausting our human and economic resources. We have a growing opportunity to engage the baby boomer population as advocates for positive change turning our problem into the solution.
The Solace Teachings examine end of life issues and provide experiential tools designed for individuals, groups and organizations to help shift the paradigm and move our awareness toward a happier, more prosperous and sustainable, future.
Life is precious because death is part of the journey.
Included in the Training:
Access to the full 12-documentary series in video and text format.
Membership in the Humanizing Health Care community forum where you can discuss the topics in the course and connect with others on the forefront of rediscovering meaning in health care.
The option to upgrade into Camille's guided 6-week program with live calls at a pro-rated price.
Solace Teachings Training Objectives:
Communication, Culture & Language
Emotional Intelligence for Caregivers & the Dying
Death & Dying Case Studies
Incorporating the Green Hospice Philosophy
Professional & Personal Caregiving
Grief, Trauma & Resilience
CEU Credit for Applicable Professionals
Exploring Dying Through the Relational Fields
Dying, Science, Spirituality & Ancient Wisdom Traditions
Revolutionizing end of life culture through social entrepreneurship, cross-sector leadership & engaging the baby boomer generation
How to use Solace Teachings Tools for self, others and in groups
Personal and professional use of the Solace Teachings plan
Integrating the Solace Teachings into education programs and business development
About the Solace Teachings
Hospice nurse educator and award winning documentary filmmaker, Camille Adair, created the cutting edge Solace Teachings programs. This ongoing body of work consists documentary films, tools and resources in the art of being with death and dying, which includes facing one's own relationship to death. This program is open to hospice and health care professionals and anyone who would like to incorporate life affirming, death education into their work and lives. Camille offers coaching and mentoring upon the completion of the Solace Teachings where customized programs and licensure agreements of the materials is available to individuals and organizations. Further training to become a Solace Teachings Facilitator is available after completion of the course.
Why Are The Solace Teachings Important?
Hospices are under an increasing amount of pressure to serve more people with fewer resources. Much of the training has been created to satisfy Medicare requirements and is based on productivity and compliance. Providing comprehensive humanized death and dying education is of critical importance as we face the expanding aging population and the shrinking healthcare workforce. The Solace Teachings was developed to augment hospice-training programs and to offer death and dying education and training to people who are involved in grassroots movements where communities and individuals are taking more active roles in end of life care. Death education as a field is not only important in serving the dying but also in increasing awareness of life.
A few testimonials...
I watched the movie twice and took copious notes. I plan to watch it again with my 81 year old mother tomorrow night. Powerful, moving, and very connecting in that common place of humanness. Beautiful music and beautiful photography. I will be participating in the conference call. I may also send you my written insights. It will help me revisit my writing. —An RN
First of all, I want to thank all of you for putting together the information and materials on behalf of our professional growth. I had previously watched the Solace Movie when it was presented at a conference. However, this time was different I guess the fact that I had the opportunity to watch the series in the privacy of my own home, which allowed me to have a better and closer experience, as well as, to feel more intimacy toward the people you interviewed. —An Oncology Counselor
I have not been a Hospice Nurse for long and have a lot to learn. I feel that my learning comes mostly from my patients. This documentary was like watching my patients one at a time tell me their story and their struggles with feelings and emotions.There were so many wonderful stories in this film that really helped me understand how we process our own illnesses and death on our own terms. Some of us love so much that we actually bring strength to our families and help them accept death. What an inspiration this is to all hospice IDT members, to realize we can help open that door for this level of acceptance not only to the patient, but hopefully to their families as well. We are a very important part of their journeys. —An RN
Solace Teachings FAQ
1. Is the Solace Teachings online course offered to lay people and professionals at the same time?
Yes, the Solace Teachings are offered to interdisciplinary health care professionals as well as community members, volunteers, people dealing with their own health concerns and caregivers. We have found this approach to provide unique learning opportunities as we expand our perspectives through other people's stories and quickly experience our shared humanity. There is a growing awareness within health care of the benefits that come from moving beyond professional silos and hierarchy. Death and dying naturally levels the human playing field. The Solace Teachings have been offered to specific disciplines in the past. We have found the combined groups to be more engaged and rewarding.
2. What if I want to use the Solace Teachings in my work?
The Solace Teachings Course is intended for private, single-users. Camille is happy to discuss licensing agreements on a case by case basis. Contact Camille here.
3. What is the range of people who have taken this course?
Predominantly, Solace participants have been hospice volunteers, nurses, counselors, social workers, physicians and people interested in developing a private caregiving business. We have also trained teachers, business owners, coaches, musicians, engineers, spiritual seekers, hairdressers, massage therapists, and others who have found value in learning about illness and dying in serving an aging population. Many people have dealt with their own health challenges and on occasion people receiving palliative care have found great comfort in taking the course and being part of a group dedicated to exploring end-of-life issues.
4. Is there room to address people's specific needs during and/or after the course?
The course is offered through a core curriculum, including the 12 videos. A Q & A is part of each class. Camille leads a forum for ongoing dialogue during and after the course and is dedicated to meeting the needs of each participant as closely as possible.
5. What if I miss a call?
Each 90 minute class will be recorded and available at your convenience within your member log in.
6. If my hospice team or additional people want to take the course together can we sign up under one user?
The course is intended for single use. Camille is happy to discuss group attendance and special courses for organizational use. Considerations include factors such as hospice census, number of participants, duration and intention of use. Please contact Camille for a free consult to explore options!
7. How would this course support me as a caregiver?
Most people caring for a loved one find themselves in uncharted territory and at risk of burnout, isolation and fatigue. Becoming familiar with the landscape of death and dying through the Solace Teachings and support through the forum provides resources, language,cultural re framing, meaning, context, tools, practical guidance and inspiration to navigate the challenges and opportunities inherent in the end-of-life process.
8. How will the program support me as a hospice professional when we already have mandatory training at work?
What we hear over and over again from hospice leaders, health care professionals and other health care organizations is that there is a growing and heavy burden placed on education to satisfy compliance, productivity, clinical oversight and billing issues. This is reflected in the increase attention required for EMR use, satisfying medicare requirements and the already overwhelmed schedules of hospice workers. The Solace Teachings brings the human elements which many refer to as the art of hospice. Camille shares the wisdom and teachings of many of leaders in the death and dying movement and translated it into a program that is meant to be supportive rather than burdensome.
9. I am interested in attending the Solace Retreat. Will the information be repetitive if I have taken the online course?
Each Solace Retreat is unique and experiential. Being together in person provides opportunities for connection, networking and group interaction. Camille leads the Solace Retreat by honoring and holding a sacred space that provides opportunity for reflection and nurturing, essential to being with dying people. The agenda includes guest speakers and additional resources and materials to augment the Solace Teachings Online Course.